— publication, — repository
C/C++ |
AllRepair — mutation-based repair tool for C programs equipped with assertions in the code | |
Angelix — automated program repair tool based on symbolic analysis | |
CETI — fixing C program errors using the KLEE input generation tool | |
CPR — detecting and discarding over-fitting patches via systematic co-exploration of the patch space and input space | |
CoderAssist — system for feedback generation | |
DeepFix — tool for fixing common programming errors based on deep learning | |
ErrDoc — tool that is able to detect, categorize and fix error handling bugs for C programs | |
ExtractFix — repairs program vulnerabilities via crash constraint extraction | |
FAngelix — Faster Angelix that performs a guided search via MCMC sampling | |
FixMorph — automated patch backporting tool for syntactically similar programs, i.e. across different versions | |
GenProg — automated program repair tool based on genetic programming | |
Kali — generate-and-validate patch generation system that only deletes functionality | |
LeakFix — safe memory-leak fixing tool for C programs | |
MemFix — static analysis-based repair tool for memory deallocation errors for C programs | |
MintHint — program repair tool that generates repair hints to assist the programmer | |
NEM — automated repair of heap-manipulating programs using deductive synthesis | |
PatchWeave — automated patch transplantation for semantically equivalent programs | |
Prophet — automated program repair that learns from correct patches | |
RSRepair — GenProg modification that uses random search | |
SOSRepair — expressive semantic search-based technique for real-world program repair | |
SPR — automated program repair tool with condition synthesis | |
SearchRepair — automated program repair that uses semantic code search over large repositories of candidate code bases to produce high-quality bug patches | |
SemFix — automated program repair tool based on symbolic analysis | |
Eiffel |
AutoFix — automatic program repair of object-oriented programs with contracts | |
Java |
ACS — automated program repair tool with accurate condition synthesis | |
ARJA — multi-objective genetic programming for automated repair of Java | |
AVATAR — fixing Java bugs by the fix patterns of static analysis violations (FindBugs violations) | |
Astor — automatic software repair framework for Java (incl. GenProg, Kali and mutation repair for Java) | |
CapGen — context-aware patch generation technique | |
ConFix — automated patch generation with context-based change application | |
EvoRepair — co-evolution based repair for Java | |
ExpressAPR — efficient patch validation for Java APR systems | |
GenPat — inferring program transformation from historical bug fixes via big code | |
Genesis — system that automatically infers sets of code transforms for automatic patch generation | |
Gin — a tool for experimentation with GI | |
HIPPODROME — statically detects and fixes data race conditions for small to large scale Java programs | |
HistoricalFix — automated program repair tool that leverages bug fix history | |
JAID — an APR technique that uses detailed state abstractions to guide both fault localization and fix generation | |
JFix — semantics-based repair framework for Java programs | |
JaRFly — a Java repair framework for implementing automated repair tools for Java programs | |
LSRepair — fixing Java bugs by leveraging live search of fix ingredients of similar code at method level | |
NPEFix — system that generates patches for Null Pointer Exceptions with meta-programming | |
Nopol — automated program repair tool for conditional expressions | |
QACrashFix — fixing Java crash bugs by querying StackOverflow | |
Repairnator — software development bot that automatically repairs build failures on Travis Continuous Integration | |
SimFix — fixing Java bugs by leveraging existing patches and similar code | |
SketchFix — automatic program repair with on-demand candidate generation | |
TBar — template-based automated program repair | |
kGenProg — automated program repair tool written in Java for Java | |
kPAR — Java implementation of PAR: fixing Java bugs with pre-defined fix patterns | |
ssFix — syntax-directed code search-based automated repair tool | |
Java bytecode |
PraPR — fast JVM bytecode-level, template-/mutation-based APR | |
Multilingual |
BugZoo — a platform for studying historical software bugs | |
CoCoNut — combining context-aware neural translation models using ensemble for program repair | |
Footpatch — static automated program repair for heap properties | |
PyGGI — a Python general framework for genetic improvement | |
Rete — a repair tool for Python and C programs that selects relevant variables by learning namespace representation | |
Neural networks |
Dare — repair deep neural networks for defending against diverse adversarial attacks | |
Python |
Clara — clustering and repair tool for introductory programming assignments | |
InFix — automatically fixing error-inducing command-line inputs for novice Python programs | |
Refactory — tool for generating real-time program repairs of buggy student programs |