5th International Workshop on Automated Program Repair (APR 2024)

In conjunction with 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024), Lisbon, Portugal

Recent years have witnessed an explosive growth of works on automated program repair in various scientific communities including software engineering, programming languages, formal methods and artificial intelligence. This growth has culminated in successful deployments of program repair in industry. Despite these considerable advances, program repair still faces fundamental technological and societal challenges. This workshop will create an opportunity for the research community to coordinate its effort for addressing these challenges, share recent ideas and results, and formulate an agenda for future research.


APR program is availabe on ICSE website.

Call for Papers

We invite submissions that discuss recent developments in the theory and practice of automated program repair. The workshop will provide an opportunity for researchers interested in program repair to exchange ideas and find out about current research directions in the field. A particular emphasis of this workshop is on reducing the gap between academic research on automated program repair and the demands of industry.

This workshop will explore topics related to:

  • Quality of automatically generated patches, overfitting analysis
  • Scalability of program repair algorithms
  • Repair of domain-specific bugs
  • Applications of program repair
  • Deployment of program repair
  • Case studies on program repair
  • Program repair tools
  • Program repair benchmarks
  • Dynamic and static analysis for program repair
  • Machine learning of code for program repair
  • Testing and verification for program repair
  • Fault localization for program repair
  • Program repair and DevOps
  • Debugging and program repair
  • Program synthesis for program repair

Evaluation Criteria

Reviewers will evaluate each contribution for its soundness, significance, novelty, verifiability, and clarity. Submissions should clearly state how they are novel and how they improve upon existing work.

We will employ a double-blind review process. Thus, no submission may reveal its authors’ identities. The authors must make every effort to honor the double-blind review process. In particular, the authors’ names must be omitted from the submission and references to their prior work should be in the third person.

Submission Instructions

All submissions must conform to the ICSE 2024 formatting and submission instructions. All submissions must be in PDF. We invite submissions of papers of the following types:

  • Research papers (8 pages inc. references): technical research, experience reports, empirical studies, etc.
  • Position papers (4 pages inc. references): well-argued position or work in progress.

Note that submitting shorter papers, e.g. a two-page position paper, is acceptable. The reviewers will be instructed not to evaluate submissions based on their length, but only on their quality.

All authors should use the official “ACM Primary Article Template”, as can be obtained from the ACM Proceedings Template page. LaTeX users should use the sigconf option, as well as the review (to produce line numbers for easy reference by the reviewers) and anonymous (omitting author names) options. To that end, the following LaTeX code can be placed at the start of the LaTeX document: \documentclass[sigconf,review,anonymous]{acmart}

Submissions can be made via the submission site (https://apr24.hotcrp.com/) by the submission deadline. We encourage the authors to upload their paper info early (and can submit the PDF later) to properly enter conflicts for double-blind reviewing. If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper in person.

The official publication date of the workshop proceedings is the date the proceedings are made available by ACM. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of ICSE 2024. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

Important Dates
AoE (UTC-12h)
  • December 7, 2023
    Submission deadline
  • January 11, 2024
  • January 25, 2024
    Camera-ready version
  • April 20, 2024
    Workshop date

  • Vianna da Motta, Centro Cultural de Belém

Social Media

Registration Link

Submission Link

Organizing Committee
  • Phan Thi Thanh Huyen
    Phan Thi Thanh Huyen

    Hitachi, Japan

  • Shin Hwei Tan
    Shin Hwei Tan

    Concordia University, Canada

  • Sergey Mechtaev
    Sergey Mechtaev

    University College London, UK

  • Sarfraz Khurshid
    Sarfraz Khurshid

    University of Texas at Austin, USA

Program Committee
  • ???
    Ali Ghanbari

    Iowa State University

  • ???
    Anil Koyuncu

    Bilkent University

  • ???
    Xuan-Bach Dinh Le

    University of Melbourne

  • ???
    Bo Wang

    Beijing Jiaotong University

  • ???
    Chunqiu Steven Xia

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • ???
    Dongsun Kim

    Kyungpook National University

  • ???
    He Ye

    Carnegie Mellon University

  • ???
    Jiajun Jiang

    Tianjin University

  • ???
    Kui Liu


  • ???
    Ming Wen

    Huazhong University of Science and Technology

  • ???
    Minxue Pan

    Nanjing University

  • ???
    Ridwan Shariffdeen

    National University of Singapore

  • ???
    Thibaud Lutellier

    University of Alberta

  • ???
    Vesna Nowack

    Imperial College London

  • ???
    Xiang Gao

    Beihang University

  • ???
    Yu Pei

    Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • ???
    Zhiyu Fan

    National University of Singapore